Arrays in C# programming

Array is a collection of variables of fixed size stored in a continuous memory location. They are also known as elements. These elements are accessed by its index. The elements in an…
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Methods in C# Programming

A method is a block of codes that contains some statements and perform particular task. Using method increases the quality of our program a lot. Some of them are listed below:
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foreach Loop in C# programming

foreach loop is extension of For Loop. This loop executes block of statements for each member of an array. Indexes of elements are not needed for this loop, just the current element…
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Encapsulation in C# Programming

Encapsulation is the process of collecting functions and data in one unit called class. Encapsulation is also known as process of hiding data in object oriented programming languages. Encapsulation allows specify access…
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for Loop in C# Programming

For Loop is a loop in programming languages like C# that repeats a block of statements until a condition provided is satisfied. Unlike other less structured loops like while and do..while, this…
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do while Loop in C# programming

Do While Loop is just like any other loop in C#, but in this loop we have condition at the end of the loop. So this guarantees the execution of statements inside…
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While Loop in C# programming

While Loop is a loop in programming languages like C# that repeats a block of statements until a given condition is true. The condition comes after while and it can be any…
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if Statements in C# programming

if Statement if statement is conditional or decision making statement. It uses boolean variable or a condition which gives a boolean result and a statement or block of statements which will be…
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Operators in C# Programming

Operators are symbols that performs certain task in an expression. Operators in C# are special symbols like + / == . ++ etc. These operators can be used to process data. There…
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Literals and Constants in C# Programming

Constants In any programing language including C#, constants are values which are fixed and cannot be changed anytime during program execution. They can be of any data type. We can use const…
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Variables in C# programming

In any programing language including C#, variables are the memory space in computer where data can be stored. A variable in C# programming is defined by three main features: name, type…
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Data Types in C# Programming

Data type is a categorization of variable to define what type of data can be stored in that variable. In C#, declaration of a data type is compulsory. This helps compiler know…
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Type Conversion in C# Programming

Type Conversion is process of converting one data type into another data type. This help us choose most appropriate type for the variable. It is also known as type casting. It can…
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C# Programming Keywords

In programming, keywords are reserved words for your compiler. Their meaning are already defined in compiler and are used for specific purpose only. These keywords cannot be used as identifiers(i.e, cannot be…
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