What is C Programming? A Complete Guide
C Programming is a fast and efficient programming language that was originally created to develop the Unix operating system. It was created by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in the 1970s. Being…
Recursion in C Programming
The process of calling a function by itself is called recursion and the function which calls itself is called recursive function. Recursion is used to solve various mathematical problems by dividing it…
Arrays in C Programming
Array is a collection of data of same types stored in sequential memory location. It is a linear data structure, where data is stored linearly one after the other. The elements in…
Functions in C Programming
Function is a logically grouped set of statements that perform a specific task. In C program, a function is created to achieve something. Every C program has at least one function i.e….
Nested loop in C
A loop inside another loop is called a nested loop. The depth of nested loop depends on the complexity of a problem. We can have any number of nested loops as required….
for loop in C Programming
Looping is a process of repeating a certain group of statements until a specified condition is satisfied. There are three types of loop in C. They are:
do-while loop in C Programming
Looping is a process of repeating a certain group of statements until a specified condition is satisfied. There are three types of loop in C. They are:
while loop in C Programming
Looping is a process of repeating a certain group of statements until a specified condition is satisfied. There are three types of loop in C. They are:
switch case statement in C programming
switch case is a multiple branching statement which compares the value of expression or variable inside switch() with various cases provided with the statement and executes a block when a match is…
if statement in C Programming
Decision making is an important part of programming. Every programming language supports decision making statements allowing programmers to branch according to the condition. In C programming language, if statement is used to…
How to Setup Clojure, Leiningen and LightTable setup on Windows
Clojure is a dynamic functional programming language which is designed to combine approachability and interactive development of a scripting language with an efficient and robust infrastructure for multi-threaded programming. Leiningen is a…
Dynamic memory allocation (DMA) in C Programming
Using array in programming, we allocate a fixed size for our data. This size can’t be increased or decreased while execution of the program. We can’t change it even if the size…
C Programming Operators and Expressions
In this Section, you will learn about Operators in C Programming (all valid operators available in C), expressions (combination of operators, variables and constants) and precedence of operators (which operator has higher…
Characters Sets, Keywords and Identifiers in C Programming
In this section, you will learn about character set(characters that are valid), keywords(reserved words) and identifiers(user-defined names) of C Programming Language.
Variable Declaration in C Programming
In C programming, variables which are to be used later in different parts of the functions have to be declared. Variable declaration tells the compiler two things: The name of the variable…
Structure and Different Sections in C Programming
A C program can be divided into several sections to have a better understanding about the different parts of a C program.
Stack Data Structure
Stack is one of the most powerful and most useful concept in programming. It is an ordered collection of items where items can be inserted and deleted from the same end. Only…