C# Programming Keywords

In programming, keywords are reserved words for your compiler. Their meaning are already defined in compiler and are used for specific purpose only. These keywords cannot be used as identifiers(i.e, cannot be used for naming variables, classes etc.), however in C#, you can use keywords as variable or class name by using prefix “@”.
For example: break is a keyword not an identifier. But if you want to use break as an identifier, you should use @break.

List of C# Keywords

Keyword Description of Keyword
abstract used to design base class
as used for type conversion
base used to access members of the base class from a derived class
bool used to declare variables to store the boolean values (true and false)
break terminates a loop
byte denotes an integral type that stores values ranging from 0 to 255 and is unsigned 8-bit integer
case is a part of switch keyword which is used to match values in switch
catch specify handlers for different exceptions
char used to declare a unicode character ranging from U+0000 to U+FFFF and is 16-bit character
checked used for arithmetic overflow checking
class used to declare class
const used to make an entity unchangeable during program runtime
continue passes control to the next iteration
decimal denotes a 128-bit data type
default returns default value
delegate used to declare a programming construct to create callable reference
do loops a block of statements until a specified expression is false
double denotes a simple type that stores 64-bit floating point values
else selects a statement for execution based on the value of a boolean expression
enum used to declare an enumeration
event used to declare an event
explicit used to declare an explicit user-defined type conversion operator
extern used to indicate that the method is implemented externally
false used to indicate that an operand is false or represent the boolean value false
finally makes sure to execute block of statements before the method is exited
fixed prevents reallocation of memory
float denotes a data type that stores 32-bit floating-point values
for loops a block of statements until a specified expression is false
foreach repeats a group of statements for each element in an array
goto transfers the program control to a labeled statement
if selects a statement for execution based on the value of a boolean expression
implicit used to declare an implicit user-defined type conversion operator
in in foreach statement, in statement repeats a group of statements for each element in an array
int denotes an integral type that stores values that ranges from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 and is signed 32-bit integer
interface is a contract that all the classes inheriting the interface should follow
internal is an access modifier for types and type members and they are accessible only within files in the same assembly
is checks if an object is compatible with required type
lock allows only one thread to execute at a time
long denotes an integral type that stores values that ranges from –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 and is signed 64-bit integer
namespace used to organize related set of objects or codes
new used to create objects and invoke constructors or hide an inherited member from a base class member or restrict types that might be used as arguments for a type parameter in a generic declaration
null represents a null reference
object base class for all derived classes and provides some methods and capabilities
operator used to declare an operator
out allows to return more than one value without storing class state
override used to modify the abstract or virtual implementation a method, a property, an indexer, or an event
params allows methods to receive variable numbers of parameters
private allows access of the member only by the members of that class or struct
protected allows access of the member within its class and by derived class instances
public allows access of the member from anywhere
readonly prevents changes to fields after initializing
ref causes a method to refer to the same variable that was passed into the method
return terminates execution of the method returning control to the calling method and can also return a value
sbyte denotes an integral type that stores values ranging from -128 to 127 and is signed 8-bit integer
sealed makes a class inheritable
short denotes an integral data type that stores values ranging from -32,768 to 32,767 and is signed 16-bit integer
sizeof obtains the size of a type
stackalloc used to allocate a block of memory on the stack
static used to declare a static member
string represents unicode characters
struct used to put small groups of related variables together
switch allows a variables to be compared with different cases
this refers to the current instance of the class
throw when a problem occurs, it throws an exception
true used to indicate that an operand is true or represent the boolean value true
try begins an exception handling block
typeof obtains the System.Type object for a type and can be overloaded
unit denotes an integral type that stores values ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295 and is unsigned 32-bit integer
ulong denotes an integral type that stores values ranging from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 and is unsigned 64-bit integer
unchecked used for arithmetic overflow checking
unsafe denotes an unsafe context
ushort denotes an integral data type that stores values ranging from 0 to 65,535 and is unsigned 16-bit integer
using used to import types defined in other namespaces or define a scope at the end of which an object will be disposed
virtual used to modify a method or property declaration and allow for it to be overridden in a derived class
void used as return type for a method and also specifies that the method does not return a value
volatile indicates that a field might be modified by multiple threads that are executing at the same time
while executes a statement or a block of statements until a specified expression evaluates to false

Contextual Keywords

There are contextual keywords in C# as well and are used to provide a specific meaning in the code. They are not reserved word in C# like reserved keywords. Some of them are listed below:

C# Contextual Keywords

Keyword Description of Keyword
add used to create a event accessor
async used to specify that a method is asynchronous
await suspends the execution of the asynchronous method until the waiting task is completed
dynamic enables an operation to be resolved in run time instead of compile time checking
get used to define an accessor method in a proper and get its value
global specifies default global namespace
partial splits class or struct into multiple files
remove used to get out of an event
set used to define an accessor method in a proper and set its value
value sets accessor and add or remove event handlers
var initializes variable that is aliased type and is determined by the C# compiler
where used to specify constraints
yield used to return a value to the enumerator object or to signal the end of iteration

Depending upon the purpose of keywords, keywords in C# can be vaguely categorized as:

  • Operator keywords: In C#, some keywords can be used as an operator. For example: sizeof is an operator to find size of a data type. Some operator keywords in C# are stackalloc, typeof etc.
  • Statement keywords: In C#, some keywords can be used to control the sequence of statement execution. For example: break operator is used to terminate a loop. Some statement keywords in C# are if, else, do, foreach, goto etc.
  • Namespace keywords: In C#, these keywords are used to define namespaces. Some namespace keywords are using, namespace etc.
  • Conversion keywords: In C#, some keywords are used for type conversion. For example: explicit keyword is used to perform user defined conversion. Some other conversion keywords are implicit, operator etc.
  • Access keywords: In C#, some keywords can be used to access other members of a class. Some example of access keywords are this, base etc.
  • Literal keywords: In C#, literal is used for representing a fixed value in a program.
    For example: var context = true;
    Here, true is a literal. Some example of literal keywords are default, null, false etc.