C Program to Check Uppercase and Lowercase Character

A character is said to be in uppercase if it is in capital letter and it is said to be in lowercase if it is in small letter. C program to check whether an entered character is in uppercase of lowercase is shown below.

C Program to Find the Roots of Quadratic Equation

A quadratic equation is an equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b and c are constants. And the formula to calculate the roots of the quadratic equation is: C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation is shown below.

C# Programming Keywords

In programming, keywords are reserved words for your compiler. Their meaning are already defined in compiler and are used for specific purpose only. These keywords cannot be used as identifiers(i.e, cannot be used for naming variables, classes etc.), however in C#, you can use keywords as variable or class name by using prefix “@”.

Different Sections of a C# Program

Before we learn how to program in C#, we must first know about the sections of C# program. We must know every part of the program. This will help us know about code placement and it will be easier for us to write a program. So, let us look at a basic program in C# to understand different sections of C# program.

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd

An integer that can be exactly divided by 2 is known as an even number. An integer that cannot be exactly divided by 2 is known as an odd number. In other words, a digit that contains 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 as its last digit is known as even number.

C Programming Operators and Expressions

In this Section, you will learn about Operators in C Programming (all valid operators available in C), expressions (combination of operators, variables and constants) and precedence of operators (which operator has higher priority and which operator has lower priority).

Variable Declaration in C Programming

In C programming, variables which are to be used later in different parts of the functions have to be declared. Variable declaration tells the compiler two things: The name of the variable The type of data the variable will hold There are two ways of declaring variable in C programming.